Motret Patrishiela Tan dan Fatya Ginanjarsari di dekat Goa Pindul, Jogjakarta dengan High Speed Sync Godox AD600 | Photographing Patrishiela Tan and Fatya Ginanjarasi near Pindul Cave, Jogjakarta using High Speed Sync Godox AD600BM
2:53 PM
Saya pertama tahu nama Patrishiela Tan dari seorang teman yang bekerja sebagai Associate Producer di sebuah stasiun televisi untuk program Para Petualang Cantik, atau dulu juga dikenal dengan nama Tour of Beauty. Isi programnya secara umum adalah petualangan para gadis cantik ke berbagai tempat di Indonesia dan luar Indonesia. Dulu dalam satu episode mereka memakai 3 pemandu acara cantik yang kemudian berubah menjadi 2 pemandu acara.
I recognized the name Patrishiela Tan from a friend, an Associate Producer in a tv station for Para Petualang Cantik tv show or it was also called Tour of Beauty when its first broadcasted. It's a travel tv show hosted by beautiful girls going into so many places in Indonesia and outside of Indonesia. When it was first aired, there are actually three girls in one episode but it changed now to two hosts.
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Fatya Ginanjarsari (left) and Patrishiela Tan (right) |
My first with Para Petualang Cantik team and the first time I met Patrishiela Tan was on a trip to Garut, West Java. We were visiting a vertical cave near a beach and filled with bats inside, climbing a hill of rock, etc. It was Erica who accompanied Patrishiela in that trip, Erica is a very funny girl and speaks out front. Trip with the team is always filled with laughter and challenge.
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Patrishiela Tan |
Perjalanan bersama tim Para Petualang Cantik ke Jogjakarta ini adalah perjalanan saya yang kesekian kali (ga pernah dihitung) dan rasanya ini sudah setahun saya ikut tergabung dalam perjalanan tim Para Petualang Cantik. Dalam perjalanan ke Jogjakarta kali ini pemandu acaranya adalah Patrishiela Tan dan yang baru saja bergabung yaitu Fatya Ginanjarsari. Pada dasarnya seluruh perjalanan lancar dan aman, kecuali masalah supir yang saya rasa dulunya dia pernah casting untuk Tokyo Drift tapi ga lolos hahaha.
I think it's been a year since I first joined the team and in this trip I there's Patrishiela Tan and Fatya Ginanjarsari as the hosts. Basically, the whole trip was OK but there's this one driver that I think that he once applied for a role in the Tokyo Drift movie but he didn't get it. Do you know what mean? lol.
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Fatya Ginanjarsari |
One of the item in Jogjakarta is trying the offroad experience near Pindul Cave, we went in to a woods, puddle of muds and driving down to a river! If you want to see the whole offroad experience, watch the program Para Petualang Cantik or if do not have access to Indonesia tv channels you can wait until they upload it here.
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Patrishiela Tan |
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Fatya Ginanjarsari |
Saya menggunakan kamera mirrorless Sony A6300 dengan Godox Trigger X1S dengan flash Godox AD600BM dan foto-foto diambil sekitar jam 3-4 sore hari. Saya sangat senang dan cukup puas dengan performa trigger dan flash godox ini, kekuatan lampu cukup untuk memberi cahaya pada jam pengambilan foto menggunakan fitur high speed sync hingga rana maksimum milik Sony A6300 yaitu pada kecepatan 1/4000. Dan juga flash bisa saya atur melalui remote trigger tanpa saya harus bolak-balik menghampiri yang pegangin lampu flash.
Beli Kamera Sony A6300 dan Godox AD600BM disini:
I'm using the Sony A6300 with Godox trigger X1S and Godox AD600BM flash and photos were taken around 3 or 4 in the afternoon. I'm quite happy with the performance of these Godox products, the power of the light can give enough light on location in this certain time of day using its High Speed Sync capabilities I can push the shutter speed to Sony A6300's maximum at 1/4000. Also, I can use and control it wirelessly using the remote trigger without having to go back and forth to the person whose holding the light.
Buy the Sony A6300 and Godox AD600BM here.