Sebagai penikmat kopi setiap mengunjungi suatu tempat/daerah saya pasti berusaha cari tempat ngopi yang enak atau yang banyak direkomendasikan orang. Kalau ditanya rasa kopi sampai ke tekstur dan teknisnya saya jelas ga paham karena ga pernah serius cari tahu. Kalau ditanya enak atau engga, baru saya bisa jawab. itupun secara subjektif alias menurut sudut pandang lidah dan perut saya; kenapa perut? Karena selain enak atau tidak di lidah, pilihan kopi yang cocok untuk saya harus yang tidak membuat perut saya kembung karena perut saya ini sensitif seperti pantat bayi hahaha.
I love drinking coffee and each time I travel always try to find a good place to drink coffee in that area, most of the time I'd choose recommended place by traveler by finding it out on the internet. If you ask me how's the taste of each coffee, how's the texture or if you ask me to explain how its made in technical coffee-geek language, I would not be able to give you the answer. But if you ask me whether the coffee is good or not, I can answer that subjectively according to my tongue and my stomach; why my stomach? Because aside from the taste is good or not, a good coffee for me is the one that wouldn't make my stomach bloated because my stomach is sensitive just like baby's bum hahaha.
Seniman Coffee Studio in Ubud, Bali |
Seniman Coffee Studio terletak di Ubud, salah satu destinasi wisata di Bali yang terkenal dengan pemandangan sawah, hutan monyet, dsb. Disini juga Anda bisa belanja sambil jalan kaki supaya sehat. Jika bingung arah kesana, Anda bisa klik link google maps ini ke
Seniman Coffee Studio
Seniman Coffee Studio is located in Ubud, one of many tourist destinations in Bali which famous because its rice terrace, monkey forest, etc. Here you can also do some walk and shop so you can stay healthy. If you're not sure on how to get there, click this google maps link to
Seniman Coffee Studio
Seniman Coffee Studio juga menjual biji kopi untuk diolah dan dinikmati di rumah, jenisnya beragam sehingga Anda bisa pilih sesuai selera Anda. Beberapa kopi yang dijual dan dipajang di sebelah kasir tampak seperti di foto dibawah.
Seniman Coffee Studio also provide coffee beans for take away so you can enjoy it at home and thet have various type of coffee so you can choose which one is your favorite. Some of the coffee beans are displayed near the cashier as you can see in these pictures below.
The bar row in Seniman Coffee Studi |
Coffee beans for take away |
Variety of the coffee beans |
Saya lupa foto cappuccino dan
breakfast classic saya yang disajikan dengan
multi-grain toast, tapi saya yakin Anda bisa membayangkannya ketika lapar. Mereka juga menyediakan beragam makanan dan minuman lainnya seperti minuman dengan alkohol, beregam teh, dll. Satu hal lainnya yang menarik adalah mereka juga menyediakan jamu! Saya ga begitu doyan jamu, tapi Anda sepertinya harus coba!
I forgot to take pictures of my cappuccino and my breakfast classic menu with its
multi-grain toast, I'm sure you can picture it while you're hungry. They also serve many other foods and beverages like alcohol, teas etc. The other menu that is interesting is their "jamu", it's a traditional beverage that has certain effects if you drink it. I'm not a fan but you guys should definitely try it!
(ki-ka): Ate (Ajeng Tiara), Mary Anne, Cynthia Ockenden, Rizma Nurfitriani dari tim Para Petualang Cantik Trans 7 |
Semoga lain kali saya bisa berkunjung lagi menikmati kopi dan sejuknya udara pagi yang segar dari Ubud.
May the fourth be with me so I can come again to enjoy the coffee and the fresh morning air from Ubud.
Terima kasih sudah berkunjung ke blog pribadi saya!
Thanks for coming to my personal blog!