False Color & Zebra (Exposure Level) pada Monitor Feelworld F5
6:15 PM
Di tahun 2020 ini banyak monitor untuk video shooting yang dijual, mulai dari yang harganya terjangkau sampai yang mahal pake banget. Beberapa yang umum dan pernah gw pake diantaranya:
- Atomos
- Blackmagic
- SmallHD
- Viltrox
- Feelworld
Sudah pasti monitor-monitor ini punya fitur-fitur standard untuk dipake dalam sutingan dan masing-masing pasti lah punya kalibrasi, pengaturan, dan spek tersendiri. Dengan kata lain, menurut gw ya, ga bisa tuh disamain satu monitor dan monitor lain.
Kali ini gw mau test dua fitur yang ada di monitor Feelworld F5 yang bisa disewa di Sewa Kamera by Studio Fotto. Monitor 5 inchi dengan kemampuan menampilkan input video HDMI beresolusi 4K dan juga output HDMI video 4K. Nah, data teknis lainnya bisa kalian cek di website Feelworld langsung ya!
Kenapa gw mau test fitur False Color dan Zebra si Feelworld F5? Karena menurut gw pemakaian kedua fitur ini kalau ga bener atau ga sesuai aturan dan batasannya, bakal bikin hasil sutingan berantakan! Bayangin kalian suting ngandelin false color dan zebra dengan settingan langsung dari pabrik dan ternyata batasan ukuran dari pabriknya ga sesuai spek teknis sutingan kalian. Ga sesuai sama settingan kamera yang kalian pakai, picture profile-nya, dll. Bisa jadi hasil suting kalian under exposed/gelap atau blown/over exposed alias silau men! Wkwkwkw
Nah kemarin gw bikin video pas ngetes kedua fitur ini. Dugaan gw bener setelah tes, tonton deh sampe abis biar tau kesimpulan gw.
Kalau mau subscribe silahkan loh, jangan sungkan. Kalau ada kesempatan gw akan bikin terus video-video soal sutingan. Mulai dari behind the scenes, review gear, dll. Bagikan videonya ke temen-teme sutingan, siapatau mereka butuh.
Sampai jumpa di youtube!
- Atomos
- Blackmagic
- SmallHD
- Viltrox
- Feelworld
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Kali ini gw mau test dua fitur yang ada di monitor Feelworld F5 yang bisa disewa di Sewa Kamera by Studio Fotto. Monitor 5 inchi dengan kemampuan menampilkan input video HDMI beresolusi 4K dan juga output HDMI video 4K. Nah, data teknis lainnya bisa kalian cek di website Feelworld langsung ya!
Kenapa gw mau test fitur False Color dan Zebra si Feelworld F5? Karena menurut gw pemakaian kedua fitur ini kalau ga bener atau ga sesuai aturan dan batasannya, bakal bikin hasil sutingan berantakan! Bayangin kalian suting ngandelin false color dan zebra dengan settingan langsung dari pabrik dan ternyata batasan ukuran dari pabriknya ga sesuai spek teknis sutingan kalian. Ga sesuai sama settingan kamera yang kalian pakai, picture profile-nya, dll. Bisa jadi hasil suting kalian under exposed/gelap atau blown/over exposed alias silau men! Wkwkwkw
Nah kemarin gw bikin video pas ngetes kedua fitur ini. Dugaan gw bener setelah tes, tonton deh sampe abis biar tau kesimpulan gw.
Kalau mau subscribe silahkan loh, jangan sungkan. Kalau ada kesempatan gw akan bikin terus video-video soal sutingan. Mulai dari behind the scenes, review gear, dll. Bagikan videonya ke temen-teme sutingan, siapatau mereka butuh.
Sampai jumpa di youtube!
To Receive Or Not To Receive Money | Being a Journalist
10:36 PMI started working as a cameraman in 2006, since then I have been able to go to some places covering so many issues and stories. Most of them are very interesting to me, I'm guessing my supervisor knew me quite well so they know where to send me to.
I can say that I have been to a lot of places in Indonesia and I love it! But, that's not what I want to share to you right now.
I am very proud that at the beginning of my journey as a cameraman, as a tv crew, I was in the right hand learning from the best team I've ever met. Why? Not just technical matters but it was about how I became (I can say) a good journalist. There is one thing that I could never forget that my mentors and supervisors said to me "don't ever accept money because of your job".
Well, the last time I talked with some tv crews some of them were talking about this thing and some of them think that it is ok to accept money or gifts because of their job. To me, that is unacceptable.
I've been in that situation for sometimes, I remember this one time in Kuala Lumpur after covering a press conference the committee tried to give us an envelope. At that time I was just accompanying my fellow cameraman whose leg was hurt, I helped him to carry the tripod and other stuffs.
The other time was when I and my reporter finished covering a story related to the local government and they asked us to sign some paper and they said it was just for some kind of proof of guest list but then after that they tried to slip us an envelope.
I'd rather back off and refuse it politely at these kind of situations because it's just not the right thing to do (at least to me). And that's what I've been taught.
Lately, I'm glad that I can join a group of freelancers working for foreign media and also most of my work doesn't involved journalism/news lately so that I can say I'm safe for now working as a professional and commercial cinematographer/cameraman or even as a producer sometimes and I don't have to deal with those situations anymore.
Lots have been going on in Indonesia lately, especially about news and politics and to me those two things can be very dangerous and scary sometimes. I'm hoping there will be more people making good and positive news and articles, creative and positive content in their own way. Doesn't necessarily news content, it could be anything as long as it is based on facts and truth, trustworthy, positive and spreading good vibes to all elements of the society.
It would be a better world because of what we do, it would be a broken world also because of what we do. I hope you choose a better world.
I can say that I have been to a lot of places in Indonesia and I love it! But, that's not what I want to share to you right now.
I am very proud that at the beginning of my journey as a cameraman, as a tv crew, I was in the right hand learning from the best team I've ever met. Why? Not just technical matters but it was about how I became (I can say) a good journalist. There is one thing that I could never forget that my mentors and supervisors said to me "don't ever accept money because of your job".
Well, the last time I talked with some tv crews some of them were talking about this thing and some of them think that it is ok to accept money or gifts because of their job. To me, that is unacceptable.
I've been in that situation for sometimes, I remember this one time in Kuala Lumpur after covering a press conference the committee tried to give us an envelope. At that time I was just accompanying my fellow cameraman whose leg was hurt, I helped him to carry the tripod and other stuffs.
The other time was when I and my reporter finished covering a story related to the local government and they asked us to sign some paper and they said it was just for some kind of proof of guest list but then after that they tried to slip us an envelope.
I'd rather back off and refuse it politely at these kind of situations because it's just not the right thing to do (at least to me). And that's what I've been taught.
Lately, I'm glad that I can join a group of freelancers working for foreign media and also most of my work doesn't involved journalism/news lately so that I can say I'm safe for now working as a professional and commercial cinematographer/cameraman or even as a producer sometimes and I don't have to deal with those situations anymore.
Lots have been going on in Indonesia lately, especially about news and politics and to me those two things can be very dangerous and scary sometimes. I'm hoping there will be more people making good and positive news and articles, creative and positive content in their own way. Doesn't necessarily news content, it could be anything as long as it is based on facts and truth, trustworthy, positive and spreading good vibes to all elements of the society.
It would be a better world because of what we do, it would be a broken world also because of what we do. I hope you choose a better world.
Photographing Erica Putri and Patrishiela Tan on a trip to Garut w/ Para Petualang Cantik | Motret Erica Putri dan Patrishiela Tan sambil trip Garut Para Petualang Cantik
10:18 PM
Ini adalah trip pertama saya dengan tim Para Petualang Cantik, sebuah program tv dengan gaya petualangan dan jalan-jalan yang dipandu oleh (biasanya) dua model. Di trip pertama saya kali ini tujuannya adalah ke daerah Garut Selatan dengan host Erica Putri dan Patrishiela Tan. Erica Putri sering muncul di layar kaca bermain peran dalam sinetron sedangkan Patrishiela Tan lebih banyak berkecimpung di dunia modeling dan fashion show.
This is my first trip with the Para Petualang Cantik team, a tv program with travel and adventure content and hosted by (usually) two models. My first trip with them was a chance to explore the Western Garut area (Western Java) with Erica Putri and Patrihiela Tan, you can see Erica's face often in Indonesia tv station playing a role in a soap opera while Patrishiela is more of a model.
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Patrishiela Tan |
Foto-foto ini umurnya sudah lebih dari setahun namun baru sekarang saya unggah disini. Kamera dan peralatan yang saya gunakan adalah:
- Canon 5D Mark II
- Sandisk CF card 64GB dengan kecepatan 160mb/s
- Tiga lampu flash merek Yongnuo
- Easy foldable softbox tanpa merek
These photos have been in my hard drive for over than a year but I just uploaded them now. I'm using:
- Canon 5D Mark II
- Canon 24-70mm f/2.8
- Sandisk CF Card 64GB with 160mb/s speed
- Three units of Yongnuo speedlite flash
- Flash trigger from Yongnuo
- Easy foldable softbox (no brand)
These photos have been in my hard drive for over than a year but I just uploaded them now. I'm using:
- Canon 5D Mark II
- Canon 24-70mm f/2.8
- Sandisk CF Card 64GB with 160mb/s speed
- Three units of Yongnuo speedlite flash
- Flash trigger from Yongnuo
- Easy foldable softbox (no brand)
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Erica Putri |
Untuk memotret siang hari seperti ini saya menggabungkan ketiga lampu flash tersebut dengan menggunakan lakban hitam dan dioperasikan terpisah dari kamera dengan bantuan flash trigger Yongnuo serta bantuan seorang teman yang selalu setia megangin lampu flash.
To take these photographs under the midday sun, I put all three speedlite flashes together using black duck tape and have them triggered using the off camera flash trigger from Yongnuo and a help from friend to hold and direct the light.
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Patrishiela Tan dan Erica Putri |
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Erica Putri |
Bisa dibilang peralatan lampu dan lain-lainnya serba terjangkau yang dapat Anda beli baik melalui online shop ataupun toko kamera. Harga satu flash waktu itu tidak lebih dari Rp.1.000.000,- sedangkan ttrigger flash kalau tidak salah sekitar Rp.300.000,- sedangkan easy foldable softbox mungkin tidak lebih dari Rp.200.000,- pada waktu saya beli.
You can say all the additional lighting gears are quite cheap and you can buy them from online shop or almost all camera store nearby. As I remember one unit of Yongnuo speedlite flash was under $100 while the flash trigger I think around $20 and the easy foldable softbox was not more than $20
Lihat aerial video di Curug Rahong, Garut Selatan disini:
Watch the aerial video of Rahong Waterfall in Southern Garut here:
You can say all the additional lighting gears are quite cheap and you can buy them from online shop or almost all camera store nearby. As I remember one unit of Yongnuo speedlite flash was under $100 while the flash trigger I think around $20 and the easy foldable softbox was not more than $20
Lihat aerial video di Curug Rahong, Garut Selatan disini:
Watch the aerial video of Rahong Waterfall in Southern Garut here:
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Erica Putri |
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Patrishiela Tan |
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Erica Putri |
Usually with the gear limitations people tend to think more on how to creating something that is way more cooler, way more creative and eager to do more effort in creating things so that one would be satisfied with the results.
Lihat juga video udara Goa Kelelawar di Pantai Ranca Buaya disini:
Watch also, aerial video of Bat Cave in Ranca Buaya Beach here:
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Patrishiela Tan dan Erica Putri |
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Patrishiela Tan |
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Erica Putri |
Lensa Canon 24-70mm f/2.8 adalah salah satu lensa yang enak dipakai untuk saya traveling dan foto portrait dengan bukaan yang lebar dan hasil gambar yang tajam sampai ke sudut frame jika tidak ingin membawa terlalu banyak lensa. Kalau ada kru atau asisten boleh lah bawa lensa lain yang lebih lengkap.
I love the Canon 24-70mm f/2.8, I can bring the lens while traveling and I can get wide angle shots (with full frame sensor) and portrait shots and also the macro feature from the lens. It is sharp from side to side of the frame. But if you have assistant coming along with you, you can always bring another lens that suits you more.

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Erica Putri dan Patrishiela Tan |
Silahkan klik dan beli peralatan yang saya sebut tadi pada tautan dari gambar-gambar ini:
You can click and buy some of the gear that I also used by clicking these images.
You can click and buy some of the gear that I also used by clicking these images.
Unboxing and Review: Meikon Underwater Housing for Canon 5D Mark III and Sony A6300 + Camdive Fisheye Lens
11:31 AMBeberapa minggu yang lalu saya membeli underwater housing merek Meikon untuk kamera mirrorless Sony A6300. Sebelumnya saya juga pernah membeli dari merek yang sama untuk kamera Canon 5D Mark III namun underwater housing tersebut hanya dapat dipakai menggunakan lensa 24-105mm pada (kurang lebih) 50mm yang mana membuat pemakaiannya tidak leluasa dan bagi saya menyulitkan bila ingin mengambil gambar lebar. Karena terbuat dari bahan plastik, kedua underwater housing Meikon ini cenderung mengambang di air walaupun sudah dimasukkan kamera di dalamnya oleh karena itu sebaiknya Anda menggunakan tali pengaman ke pergelangan tangan bila Anda tidak menggunakan dual/single handle tray. Tapi, walaupun menggunakan handle tray seperti yang saya pakai menurut saya sebaiknya Anda juga menggunakan tali pengaman yang dapat Anda pakai di pergelangan tangan atau dikaitkan ke BCD jika sambil scuba diving.
Few weeks ago I bought the Meikon underwater housing for mirrorless Sony A6300. And before that I also bought the Meikon Canon 5D Mark III but unfortunately this housing can only be used with 24-105mm lens in around 50mm focal length which made it not so useful for me if I want a wide angle pictures. These two housings are made of plastic and its very buoyant even with the camera inside it so you're going to need a hand strap if you're not using single/dual handle tray. Even if you're using the single/dual handle tray like the one I used from ultralight, I still think you're gonna need hand strap or safety lanyard that you can clip it onto your scuba BCD.
Berbicara sedikit tentang Meikon Canon 5D Mark III, satu hal lagi yang kurang saya suka yaitu tidak semua tombol dan menu dapat diakses jadi cukup menyulitkan untuk melakukan pengaturan ketika sudah di bawah air. Berbeda dengan Meikon Canon 5D Mark III, Meikon Sony A6300 memberikan akses penuh ke tombol dan menu kamera sehingga tidak masalah bagi saya untuk melakukan pengaturan di bawah air. Seperti halnya underwater housing lain yang lebih mahal dan menawarkan lebih banyak pilihan aksesoris dan penggunaan lensa seperti Ikelite, Sea&Sea, Aquatica, Seacam, Subal, Recsea, Nauticam, dll; Meikon untuk Sony A6300 juga menawarkan akses tombol dan menu yang lengkap hanya saja tetap ada keterbatasan yaitu kita tidak bisa membeli aksesoris dome port tambahan untuk ditukar-pasang ke housing body jika ingin menggunakan lensa lain, misal mau pakai lensa macro. Saya juga memakai Ikelite Sony A6300 dan saya bisa mengganti lensa dari wide ke macro dengan dome port yang berbeda yang dapat Anda beli disini.
A little about the Meikon Canon 5D Mark III, one thing that I do not like that I can not access all the menu and buttons so it's difficult to change the camera settings while under the water. Differ from the Meikon Canon 5D Mark III, the Meikon Sony A6300 give access to all menu and buttons which I like and I do not have any problems to change the camera settings while under the water. Just like any other underwater housings such as Ikelite, Sea&Sea, Aquatica, Seacam, Subal, Recsea, Nauticam etc; Meikon Sony A6300 offers you the same all access to the camera menu and buttons but you still can't buy additional dome ports if you want to use another lens with the camera, for instance if you want to use macro lens. I'm also using the Ikelite Sony A6300 and I can change from wide angle to macro by using a different dome ports which you can buy here.
Untuk ketahanan, belajar dari pengalaman menggunakan Meikon Canon 5D Mark III setelah beberapa kali penyelaman (dibawah 50 kali) akhirnya housing ini menyerah dan terjadi retakan pada sisi atas housing tepatnya di area pengunci housing. Walaupun begitu, karena darurat dan sedang jauh dari kota (saya sedang menyelam di Buton Tengah) waktu itu housing ini tetap dipakai menyelam ke kedalaman 20-25 meter dan untungnya tidak bocor/pecah. Bayangkan jika housing bocor/pecah di dalam laut, melayang sudah Canon 5D Mark III dan lensa 24-105mm seharga kurang lebih 43.000.000! Hahahaha. Akhirnya setelah pulang dari Buton Tengah, saya putuskan untuk memberikan pensiun dini ke Meikon Canon 5D Mark III. Menurut saya untuk underwater housing kelas kamera DSLR dengan bodi yang lebih besar sebaiknya Anda membeli underwater housing minimal sekelas Ikelite. Saya pernah memakai dan nyobain Ikelite Canon 5D Mark II, Ikelite Canon 7D, Sea&Sea Canon 7D, Ikelite Canon 5D Mark III dan Subal Sony A7RII. Saya juga pernah memakai housing buatan Canon untuk Canon G12 dan G16 dan saat ini Canon punya saingan untuk lini underwater housing untuk kamera digital pocket mereka yaitu Meikon.
In a matter of durability, learning from my experience using the Meikon Canon 5D Mark III after few dives (no more than 50 dives) the housing finally gave up on me after a crack on top side near the locking area. Even so, we were far away from the city at that time and we have to dive so we decided to do it anyway with the crack on the housing. We dove around 20-25 meters and luckily the housing didn't broke. You can imagine losing $3,300 Canon 5D Mark III + 24-105mm lens! Hahaha. After I got back from Buton Tengah then I decided not to use the Meikon Canon 5D Mark III no more. If you want DSLR camera housing, I suggest you buy at least the Ikelite. I've used Ikelite Canon 5D Mark II, Ikelite Canon 7D, Sea&Sea Canon 7D, Ikelite Canon 5D Mark III and Subal Sony A7RII. I've also used underwater housings for Canon pocket and digital cameras made by Canon itself and I think Meikon is in the competition with Canon lines of underwater housings.
Kembali ke Meikon Sony A6300, bagi saya ini adalah solusi yang jauh lebih murah daripada merek Ikelite dan merek lainnya bagi para penggemar fotografi bawah air tentu saja dengan keterbatasan yang saya sebutkan diatas tadi. Karena bentuk bodi housing yang kecil dan hanya membutuhkan satu titik penguncian tanpa ada harus penguncian dengan model yang dibaut seperti pada housing DSLR, menurut saya lini underwater housing Meikon pada pocket & digital camera serta small-sized mirrorless cameras akan dapat bertahan lama dan akan banyak dipakai kedepannya oleh para penggemar fotografi bawah air dan pejalan yang suka nyemplung!
Back to Meikon Sony A6300, it is a much cheaper solution compared to Ikelite or any other professional underwater housing but of course with the limitation I've mentioned above. Because of the small housing body and only one locking part without any bolted housing body on the body like the Meikon Canon 5D Mark III I think the Meikon lines of pocket and mirrorless housing will make a serious competition in the market.
Trip pertama kemarin ke Pulau Bawean di Jawa Timur adalah trip pertama bagi Meikon Sony A6300 saya ini. Housing dipakai menyelam ke kedalaman sekitar 10-15 meter dan tidak ada masalah sama sekali. Filter warna merah dari Camdive tidak kami pakai karena penyelaman dangkal dan masih cukup cahaya matahari masuk ke dalam laut dan menurut saya kamera Sony A6300 telah dibekali sistem auto underwater white balance yang sangat baik selama air cukup jernih, jarak pengambilan gambar tidak terlalu jauh dan pencahayaan cukup.
Last week trip to Bawean Island in East Java is the first trip for my Meikon Sony A6300. It was used in 10-15 meters depth by scuba diving and there's no problem at all. We didn't use the red filter from Camdive since it was a rather shallow dive and there's enough light under the water and also I think that the Sony A6300 has a good auto underwater white balance as long as the water is clear enough, the distance to your object is not too far and you get enough light.
Yang masih saya pertanyakan adalah, seberapa ketahanan Meikon Sony A6300 jika dipakai untuk menyelam bebas? Apa bedanya dengan scuba diving? Jika scuba diving otomatis profil penyelaman Anda akan seperti ini:
- entry - turun ke kedalaman - safety stop - naik ke permukaan
sehingga housing hanya mendapatkan perbedaan tekanan yang signifikan hanya dua kali dalam satu penyelaman yaitu ketika pertama dari entry kemudian turun ke kedalaman dan ketika dari kedalaman naik ke permukaan, sedangkan jika Anda menggunakan ketika menyelam bebas (tanpa tabung udara) maka otomatis housing akan menerima banyak perubahan tekanan yang signifikan setiap kali Anda turun ke kedalaman dan naik ke permukaan terutama bila Anda sering melakukan selam bebas ke kedalaman lebih dari 20 atau 30 meter. Pertanyaannya, apakah housing Meikon Sony A6300 akan selamat dari perubahan tekanan yang sangat sering? Mungkin setelah penyelaman ke 100 nanti baru saya bisa kasih jawaban atau mungkin Anda sudah melakukannya? Silahkan komen di blog ini atau di video saya di youtube.
One thing remain unanswered for now is how durable is this Meikon Sony A6300 if you're using it while freediving? What's difference with scuba diving? If you're scuba diving then you dive profile pretty much would be like this:
- entry - descend to deep water - safety stop - surfacing
so your housing will only undergo a significant change of pressure two times in one dive while descending to the deep and while ascending to the surface. Meanwhile if you're using the housing while freediving, it will undergo many many times of pressure changes since you're going to the deep and surfacing back and forth in short amount of time. And if you're a deep diver (say 20-30 meters or more) can you imagine the pressure changes that the housing need to get through? I can't answer it now, maybe later after more than hundred of dives I can give you the answer. If you already have the answer, please leave your comment on this blog or on my youtube video.
Jadi, kesimpulannya jika Anda ingin foto bawah air baik di kolam maupun di laut dan membutuhkan underwater housing yang lebih murah Anda bisa coba lini housing Meikon. Jika Anda di Indonesia, Anda bisa pesan housing Meikon disini. Jika Anda di luar Indonesia bisa membelinya lewat Amazon melalui tautan ini. Menurut saya housing Meikon untuk kamera pocket dan mirrorless sangat cocok bagi para penggiat fotografi bawah air terutama fotografer pre wedding yang hanya memakainya di kolam.
As a conclusion, if you need much cheaper underwater housing to be used in the pool or open water you can try the Meikon underwater housings. If you're in Indonesia you can order them here but if you're outside of Indonesia you can order it from Amazon from this link here. I think Meikon underwater housings is the best buy solution for wedding and pre wedding photographers who will only use the housing in the pool or shallow water.
Jika Anda juga membeli dan menggunakan underwater housing Meikon, silahkan komen di blog ini atau di video youtube saya untuk menambah wawasan dan melengkapi informasi bagi teman-teman lain yang membutuhkan rekomendasi dan tinjauan mengenai produk ini.
If you're also using the Meikon underwater housing, please leave a comment in this blog or my youtube video to add more review for people who need more information about this product.
Selamat menyelam!
See you underwater!

Few weeks ago I bought the Meikon underwater housing for mirrorless Sony A6300. And before that I also bought the Meikon Canon 5D Mark III but unfortunately this housing can only be used with 24-105mm lens in around 50mm focal length which made it not so useful for me if I want a wide angle pictures. These two housings are made of plastic and its very buoyant even with the camera inside it so you're going to need a hand strap if you're not using single/dual handle tray. Even if you're using the single/dual handle tray like the one I used from ultralight, I still think you're gonna need hand strap or safety lanyard that you can clip it onto your scuba BCD.
Review of Meikon Sony A6300 underwater housing |
A little about the Meikon Canon 5D Mark III, one thing that I do not like that I can not access all the menu and buttons so it's difficult to change the camera settings while under the water. Differ from the Meikon Canon 5D Mark III, the Meikon Sony A6300 give access to all menu and buttons which I like and I do not have any problems to change the camera settings while under the water. Just like any other underwater housings such as Ikelite, Sea&Sea, Aquatica, Seacam, Subal, Recsea, Nauticam etc; Meikon Sony A6300 offers you the same all access to the camera menu and buttons but you still can't buy additional dome ports if you want to use another lens with the camera, for instance if you want to use macro lens. I'm also using the Ikelite Sony A6300 and I can change from wide angle to macro by using a different dome ports which you can buy here.
Untuk ketahanan, belajar dari pengalaman menggunakan Meikon Canon 5D Mark III setelah beberapa kali penyelaman (dibawah 50 kali) akhirnya housing ini menyerah dan terjadi retakan pada sisi atas housing tepatnya di area pengunci housing. Walaupun begitu, karena darurat dan sedang jauh dari kota (saya sedang menyelam di Buton Tengah) waktu itu housing ini tetap dipakai menyelam ke kedalaman 20-25 meter dan untungnya tidak bocor/pecah. Bayangkan jika housing bocor/pecah di dalam laut, melayang sudah Canon 5D Mark III dan lensa 24-105mm seharga kurang lebih 43.000.000! Hahahaha. Akhirnya setelah pulang dari Buton Tengah, saya putuskan untuk memberikan pensiun dini ke Meikon Canon 5D Mark III. Menurut saya untuk underwater housing kelas kamera DSLR dengan bodi yang lebih besar sebaiknya Anda membeli underwater housing minimal sekelas Ikelite. Saya pernah memakai dan nyobain Ikelite Canon 5D Mark II, Ikelite Canon 7D, Sea&Sea Canon 7D, Ikelite Canon 5D Mark III dan Subal Sony A7RII. Saya juga pernah memakai housing buatan Canon untuk Canon G12 dan G16 dan saat ini Canon punya saingan untuk lini underwater housing untuk kamera digital pocket mereka yaitu Meikon.
In a matter of durability, learning from my experience using the Meikon Canon 5D Mark III after few dives (no more than 50 dives) the housing finally gave up on me after a crack on top side near the locking area. Even so, we were far away from the city at that time and we have to dive so we decided to do it anyway with the crack on the housing. We dove around 20-25 meters and luckily the housing didn't broke. You can imagine losing $3,300 Canon 5D Mark III + 24-105mm lens! Hahaha. After I got back from Buton Tengah then I decided not to use the Meikon Canon 5D Mark III no more. If you want DSLR camera housing, I suggest you buy at least the Ikelite. I've used Ikelite Canon 5D Mark II, Ikelite Canon 7D, Sea&Sea Canon 7D, Ikelite Canon 5D Mark III and Subal Sony A7RII. I've also used underwater housings for Canon pocket and digital cameras made by Canon itself and I think Meikon is in the competition with Canon lines of underwater housings.
Kembali ke Meikon Sony A6300, bagi saya ini adalah solusi yang jauh lebih murah daripada merek Ikelite dan merek lainnya bagi para penggemar fotografi bawah air tentu saja dengan keterbatasan yang saya sebutkan diatas tadi. Karena bentuk bodi housing yang kecil dan hanya membutuhkan satu titik penguncian tanpa ada harus penguncian dengan model yang dibaut seperti pada housing DSLR, menurut saya lini underwater housing Meikon pada pocket & digital camera serta small-sized mirrorless cameras akan dapat bertahan lama dan akan banyak dipakai kedepannya oleh para penggemar fotografi bawah air dan pejalan yang suka nyemplung!
Back to Meikon Sony A6300, it is a much cheaper solution compared to Ikelite or any other professional underwater housing but of course with the limitation I've mentioned above. Because of the small housing body and only one locking part without any bolted housing body on the body like the Meikon Canon 5D Mark III I think the Meikon lines of pocket and mirrorless housing will make a serious competition in the market.
Trip pertama kemarin ke Pulau Bawean di Jawa Timur adalah trip pertama bagi Meikon Sony A6300 saya ini. Housing dipakai menyelam ke kedalaman sekitar 10-15 meter dan tidak ada masalah sama sekali. Filter warna merah dari Camdive tidak kami pakai karena penyelaman dangkal dan masih cukup cahaya matahari masuk ke dalam laut dan menurut saya kamera Sony A6300 telah dibekali sistem auto underwater white balance yang sangat baik selama air cukup jernih, jarak pengambilan gambar tidak terlalu jauh dan pencahayaan cukup.
Last week trip to Bawean Island in East Java is the first trip for my Meikon Sony A6300. It was used in 10-15 meters depth by scuba diving and there's no problem at all. We didn't use the red filter from Camdive since it was a rather shallow dive and there's enough light under the water and also I think that the Sony A6300 has a good auto underwater white balance as long as the water is clear enough, the distance to your object is not too far and you get enough light.
Yang masih saya pertanyakan adalah, seberapa ketahanan Meikon Sony A6300 jika dipakai untuk menyelam bebas? Apa bedanya dengan scuba diving? Jika scuba diving otomatis profil penyelaman Anda akan seperti ini:
- entry - turun ke kedalaman - safety stop - naik ke permukaan
sehingga housing hanya mendapatkan perbedaan tekanan yang signifikan hanya dua kali dalam satu penyelaman yaitu ketika pertama dari entry kemudian turun ke kedalaman dan ketika dari kedalaman naik ke permukaan, sedangkan jika Anda menggunakan ketika menyelam bebas (tanpa tabung udara) maka otomatis housing akan menerima banyak perubahan tekanan yang signifikan setiap kali Anda turun ke kedalaman dan naik ke permukaan terutama bila Anda sering melakukan selam bebas ke kedalaman lebih dari 20 atau 30 meter. Pertanyaannya, apakah housing Meikon Sony A6300 akan selamat dari perubahan tekanan yang sangat sering? Mungkin setelah penyelaman ke 100 nanti baru saya bisa kasih jawaban atau mungkin Anda sudah melakukannya? Silahkan komen di blog ini atau di video saya di youtube.
One thing remain unanswered for now is how durable is this Meikon Sony A6300 if you're using it while freediving? What's difference with scuba diving? If you're scuba diving then you dive profile pretty much would be like this:
- entry - descend to deep water - safety stop - surfacing
so your housing will only undergo a significant change of pressure two times in one dive while descending to the deep and while ascending to the surface. Meanwhile if you're using the housing while freediving, it will undergo many many times of pressure changes since you're going to the deep and surfacing back and forth in short amount of time. And if you're a deep diver (say 20-30 meters or more) can you imagine the pressure changes that the housing need to get through? I can't answer it now, maybe later after more than hundred of dives I can give you the answer. If you already have the answer, please leave your comment on this blog or on my youtube video.
Jadi, kesimpulannya jika Anda ingin foto bawah air baik di kolam maupun di laut dan membutuhkan underwater housing yang lebih murah Anda bisa coba lini housing Meikon. Jika Anda di Indonesia, Anda bisa pesan housing Meikon disini. Jika Anda di luar Indonesia bisa membelinya lewat Amazon melalui tautan ini. Menurut saya housing Meikon untuk kamera pocket dan mirrorless sangat cocok bagi para penggiat fotografi bawah air terutama fotografer pre wedding yang hanya memakainya di kolam.
As a conclusion, if you need much cheaper underwater housing to be used in the pool or open water you can try the Meikon underwater housings. If you're in Indonesia you can order them here but if you're outside of Indonesia you can order it from Amazon from this link here. I think Meikon underwater housings is the best buy solution for wedding and pre wedding photographers who will only use the housing in the pool or shallow water.
Jika Anda juga membeli dan menggunakan underwater housing Meikon, silahkan komen di blog ini atau di video youtube saya untuk menambah wawasan dan melengkapi informasi bagi teman-teman lain yang membutuhkan rekomendasi dan tinjauan mengenai produk ini.
If you're also using the Meikon underwater housing, please leave a comment in this blog or my youtube video to add more review for people who need more information about this product.
Selamat menyelam!
See you underwater!
Photographing Patrishiela and Fatya in Yogyakarta using Sony A6300 and Godox AD600BM | Motret Patrishiela dan Fatya di Yogyakarta menggunakan Sony A6300 dan Godox AD600BM
2:53 PM
This post is just a photo compilation of two models from Para Petualang Cantik, a tv program about beautiful girls traveling into beautiful places in Indonesia and outside of Indonesia. These photos were taken around two weeks ago while on our trip to Yogyakarta. I was using the Sony A6300 and Godox AD600BM mobile flash with Godox X1s wireless trigger.
Tulisan kali ini hanya merupakan kompilasi beberapa foto dari model dan pembawa acara Para Petualang Cantik, sebuah program tv mengenai para gadis cantik yang bertualang ke tempat-tempat indah di Indonesia dan luar Indonesia. Foto-foto diambil sekitar 2 minggu lalu dalam perjalanan kami ke Yogyakarta. Saya menggunakan Sony A6300 dan Godox AD600BM serta trigger nirkabel Godox X1s.
So far, this small-lightweight sony camera is quite reliable for outdoor photography like this one. It has 24mp photo in 6000 x 4000pxl dimension. I'm using it with its Sony 16-50mm kit lens. They're ok but sometimes when I'm using big aperture the autofocus is not responding so well that one or two times I have to switched from manual to auto focus (using the quick access button) then the autofocus will work again. Maybe anyone else is having the same issue? Or maybe Sony want to take a look at this? I don't know.
Sejauh ini, kamera kecil dan ringann ini cukup mumpuni untuk motret luar ruangan seperti ini. Dengan 24mp dan resolusi maksimal 6000x4000pxl dan format raw. Saya menggunakannya dengan lensa bawaan Sony 16-50mm. Kamera bagus tapi kadang kalau lagi tutup aperture si autofocus tidak bekerja dengan baik dankadang sekali-dua kali saya harus ganti mode dari manual ke fokus auto supaya fokus autonya kembali bekerja. Apakah yang lain ada yang mengalami hal yang serupa? Atau mungkin Sony mau ngecek dan cari tau ada apa dengan kameranya ini?
Well here are the photos.

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Fatya Ginanjarsari |
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Patrishiela Tan |
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Fatya Ginanjarsari |
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Fatya Ginanjarsari (left) and Patrishiela Tan (right) |
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Fatya Ginanjarsari (left) and Patrishiela Tan (right) |
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Fatya Ginanjarsari |
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Patrishiela Tan |
Silahkan dilihat foto-fotonya.
Thanks to both of the models, the guy who helped me with the light and the whole Para Petualang Cantik team.
Terima kasih kepada kedua model, mas yang bantu pegangin lampu dan seluruh tim Para Petualang Cantik.