Photographing Erica Putri and Patrishiela Tan on a trip to Garut w/ Para Petualang Cantik | Motret Erica Putri dan Patrishiela Tan sambil trip Garut Para Petualang Cantik
10:18 PM
Ini adalah trip pertama saya dengan tim Para Petualang Cantik, sebuah program tv dengan gaya petualangan dan jalan-jalan yang dipandu oleh (biasanya) dua model. Di trip pertama saya kali ini tujuannya adalah ke daerah Garut Selatan dengan host Erica Putri dan Patrishiela Tan. Erica Putri sering muncul di layar kaca bermain peran dalam sinetron sedangkan Patrishiela Tan lebih banyak berkecimpung di dunia modeling dan fashion show.
This is my first trip with the Para Petualang Cantik team, a tv program with travel and adventure content and hosted by (usually) two models. My first trip with them was a chance to explore the Western Garut area (Western Java) with Erica Putri and Patrihiela Tan, you can see Erica's face often in Indonesia tv station playing a role in a soap opera while Patrishiela is more of a model.
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Patrishiela Tan |
Foto-foto ini umurnya sudah lebih dari setahun namun baru sekarang saya unggah disini. Kamera dan peralatan yang saya gunakan adalah:
- Canon 5D Mark II
- Sandisk CF card 64GB dengan kecepatan 160mb/s
- Tiga lampu flash merek Yongnuo
- Easy foldable softbox tanpa merek
These photos have been in my hard drive for over than a year but I just uploaded them now. I'm using:
- Canon 5D Mark II
- Canon 24-70mm f/2.8
- Sandisk CF Card 64GB with 160mb/s speed
- Three units of Yongnuo speedlite flash
- Flash trigger from Yongnuo
- Easy foldable softbox (no brand)
These photos have been in my hard drive for over than a year but I just uploaded them now. I'm using:
- Canon 5D Mark II
- Canon 24-70mm f/2.8
- Sandisk CF Card 64GB with 160mb/s speed
- Three units of Yongnuo speedlite flash
- Flash trigger from Yongnuo
- Easy foldable softbox (no brand)
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Erica Putri |
Untuk memotret siang hari seperti ini saya menggabungkan ketiga lampu flash tersebut dengan menggunakan lakban hitam dan dioperasikan terpisah dari kamera dengan bantuan flash trigger Yongnuo serta bantuan seorang teman yang selalu setia megangin lampu flash.
To take these photographs under the midday sun, I put all three speedlite flashes together using black duck tape and have them triggered using the off camera flash trigger from Yongnuo and a help from friend to hold and direct the light.
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Patrishiela Tan dan Erica Putri |
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Erica Putri |
Bisa dibilang peralatan lampu dan lain-lainnya serba terjangkau yang dapat Anda beli baik melalui online shop ataupun toko kamera. Harga satu flash waktu itu tidak lebih dari Rp.1.000.000,- sedangkan ttrigger flash kalau tidak salah sekitar Rp.300.000,- sedangkan easy foldable softbox mungkin tidak lebih dari Rp.200.000,- pada waktu saya beli.
You can say all the additional lighting gears are quite cheap and you can buy them from online shop or almost all camera store nearby. As I remember one unit of Yongnuo speedlite flash was under $100 while the flash trigger I think around $20 and the easy foldable softbox was not more than $20
Lihat aerial video di Curug Rahong, Garut Selatan disini:
Watch the aerial video of Rahong Waterfall in Southern Garut here:
You can say all the additional lighting gears are quite cheap and you can buy them from online shop or almost all camera store nearby. As I remember one unit of Yongnuo speedlite flash was under $100 while the flash trigger I think around $20 and the easy foldable softbox was not more than $20
Lihat aerial video di Curug Rahong, Garut Selatan disini:
Watch the aerial video of Rahong Waterfall in Southern Garut here:
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Erica Putri |
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Patrishiela Tan |
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Erica Putri |
Usually with the gear limitations people tend to think more on how to creating something that is way more cooler, way more creative and eager to do more effort in creating things so that one would be satisfied with the results.
Lihat juga video udara Goa Kelelawar di Pantai Ranca Buaya disini:
Watch also, aerial video of Bat Cave in Ranca Buaya Beach here:
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Patrishiela Tan dan Erica Putri |
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Patrishiela Tan |
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Erica Putri |
Lensa Canon 24-70mm f/2.8 adalah salah satu lensa yang enak dipakai untuk saya traveling dan foto portrait dengan bukaan yang lebar dan hasil gambar yang tajam sampai ke sudut frame jika tidak ingin membawa terlalu banyak lensa. Kalau ada kru atau asisten boleh lah bawa lensa lain yang lebih lengkap.
I love the Canon 24-70mm f/2.8, I can bring the lens while traveling and I can get wide angle shots (with full frame sensor) and portrait shots and also the macro feature from the lens. It is sharp from side to side of the frame. But if you have assistant coming along with you, you can always bring another lens that suits you more.

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Erica Putri dan Patrishiela Tan |
Silahkan klik dan beli peralatan yang saya sebut tadi pada tautan dari gambar-gambar ini:
You can click and buy some of the gear that I also used by clicking these images.
You can click and buy some of the gear that I also used by clicking these images.